At Shinyo, we offer the opportunity for an alternative asset class that generate consistent returns to the co-investors.


Shipping offers the opportunity for investors to invest in an alternative asset class that is not geographically constrained and traded on a global industry platform.

Ship owning has the benefit of USD denominated asset and Charter Hire income that shelters the investment from currency risk in earnings and asset prices.

Shipping assets provides both returns through steady income stream, asset price differentials through various shipping cycles, and downside protection through a vessel’s residual value in scrap.


Our industry experience spanning three generations in asset selection and global network contributes to a utilization rate and TCT earnings differential that often outperforms industry peers. 

Each vessel's returns are optimized through prudent cash-flow management, optimal financial planning and effective cost control measures.

We understand the shipping cycles and have a solid track record in managing our business through each one by taking critical corporate and commercial decisions at the right time.